Ensuring safety - in and around the building

Building products contribute to protection in buildings - and thus secure a basic need. Thoughtfully selected and used, they can reduce risks such as fires, and in the best case prevent them. This creates the basis for well-being within one's own four walls.

You can exert influence right from the start - and ensure good illumination of paths - as well as, for example, by paying attention to fire protection or freedom from emissions in the event of fire in products for interior finishing and the building envelope.

Der Dornhof G4

Award:DGNB Certificate in Platinum
Usage profile:New Construction Offices, Version 2018
Project location:Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Applicant:Der Dornhof GmbH
Building owner / Investor:Der Dornhof GmbH
DGNB Auditor:Stock, Judit Kata for: apd architektur+ingenieurbüro