Reducing operating costs - for the benefit of all

Building products create real added value - over the entire life cycle of the building. They can reduce maintenance, disposal and energy costs - and thus increase building quality in the long term.

You can exert influence right from the start - and, for example, carefully select products for the building envelope or the technical building equipment - and take longevity into account for materials that require intensive use or maintenance.

Bürogebäude in Hybridbauweise shopware AG

Award:DGNB Certificate in Gold
Usage profile:New Construction Offices, Version 2018
Project location:Schöppingen, Germany
Applicant:Brüninghoff Bausysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Building owner / Investor:SH Besitz GmbH & Co. KG
DGNB Auditor:Rosen, Anja for: energum GmbH
Brand, Carina for: energum GmbH